
Alter ego game best job
Alter ego game best job

All Timothy's meager possessions, including a locket, have been taken from him by the boat's bosun. The bobby lets Timothy feel how hard his baton is a few times. Timothy is then handed over, quite roughly, Timothy has become quite seasick as the ship sails into Plymouth harbor to anchor there. Timothy Moor has been caught as a stowaway on board a barge and chained to the deck for the remainder of the voyage. Double-click also makes your character run Your E-key shows all EXITS on a screen and if you double-click on an EXIT, you will end up in the next area in one swoop. The inventory is at the bottom of the screen and pops open when you move the cursor to the bottom of the screen. Left click to perform an action, such as take an object and store it in the inventory. Right-click on an object to view it or to return an object that you took from the inventory to the inventory.

alter ego game best job

By pressing your F1 key in the game you will see all "hotspots" on the screen. Pressing your escape key will open the main menu screen, where you can do things like save and load and exit the game. Pressing your spacebar key will skip the intro movie, but why on earth would you want to do that? Alter Ego is a point and click adventure game from 2010 and the story is set in 1894, in the south of England.

Alter ego game best job